Rental FAQs - Central Scanning

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Rental FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the best scanner for me to rent?

There are several scanners that we rent and dependent on your application, one of our scanning experts will be able to discuss your needs and recommend the best scanner for the application. If we don’t have the correct scanner for your application, don’t worry, we will let you know!

What will I get when I rent a scanner from Central Scanning Limited?

On a first rental, we will provide you with training on how to use the scanner and the accompanying software. During the rental, we will be able to provide additional phone and e-mail support to help you get the best from the scanner.

How do I get the scanner?

On a first rental, we encourage collection of the scanner from our facility so that we can provide the training on collection and go through the system and all the items included in the rental.

What is included in the rental?

As a standard rental, you will get the following:

  • Scanner
  • Laptop with require software
  • All cables
  • Power supplies
  • Storage cases

What is expected from me / my company?

Before we accept an order for a rental, we need you to provide a ‘proof of insurance’. This would normally be an extension your company equipment insurance to cover the scanner you are renting and will need to have the scanner listed on the document. Failing that, we will ask for a fully refundable deposit for the value of the scanner that will be returned on receipt of the scanner in good condition to Central Scanning Ltd.

Is there anything else I need to know?

If you are renting a scanner from us with a view to potentially buying one after, we will be able to return 50% of the value of the rental off the price of the new scanner. This is only for rentals within a 3-month period of purchase and only applicable on new scanners.

What happens if I need the scanner for longer than expected?

If you need to extend your rental, it is not normally a problem as we have several scanners that we rent. We would ask that you contact us as soon as you know ref extending so that we can review the current rental commitments and make sure that we do not let anyone down.

What happens if I need it for less time than expected?

Talk to us but generally speaking, once the rental period is committed, we do not offer any refunds on unused days as we would have booked the scanner out for that period and hence potentially turned other people down who may have wanted to rent the same piece of equipment.